

Read a copy of The Lesser Magoo
at ubu.com

Selected plays and fiction available for online purchase:

Linda Perdido, available at BiblioVault

The Difficulty of Crossing a Field, Nine New Plays
, available at Univ of Minnesota Press

A Chronicle Of The Madness of Small Worlds
, available at Amazon

Crowtet 2: Second-Hand Smoke and the Lesser Magoo
, available at Amazon
Miniature, available at Roof Books
Cellophane, available at Barnes and Noble - upcoming production at  Flea Theater
Bad Infinity and Other Plays, available at Amazon
Bad Penny at Bow Bridge, available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble
Annie Salem, An American Tale, available at Barnes and Noble
The Professional Frenchman, available at Barnes and Noble
Fortuneteller: A Jest, available at Barnes and Noble
Harm's Way, available at Amazon
Crowtet 1, available at Amazon